I thought we were going to build a "real" sandcastle.
When we got to the beach I thought my daughter D. and I were going to make a castle with turrets, a drawbridge, catapults and a small community of people inside.
That would have taken 13 hours and achieved the same results that our 15 minute castle did.
What was important is that we played and had some Daddy / Daughter time.
We had a very fun time at the beach making and destroying our castles every 20 minutes. Decorating them with rocks and even doing a little seaweed landscaping added to our enjoyment.
My customer was D. and what she wanted was to play.
I originally wanted to create "sand art" but I forgot who my customer was. Had I started to do sand art I think my customer would have left me for my wife K. (a competitor). In the end I listened to D.'s needs and we had a fantastic day.
Remember to always keep the VOC in mind when creating any product or doing any project. I did and it made everyone much happier in the long run.
Here is what I originally pictured in my head