Probably the best book I've read all year...Thanks Nancy
The book is written in a very friendly and easy to read voice. I felt like I understood where Nancy was coming from and more importantly her message was clear.
Message: For profits might be a little "more profitable" if they learned how to operate as a not-for-profit.
When you have "Zilch" you get very innovative.
A not-for-profit staff can have some of the most creative people on the planet.
Their job is to convince you to part with your money with a 100% guarantee that you won't be getting anything tangible in return.
Not-for-profits communicate their goals to everyone in the organization.
Goals don't have to be about the quarterly profit. Goals can be distilled down to how many people have been helped by what you do.
Example: If you manufacture tubing you've helped 1000 people get fresh drinking water. Next quarters goal....get drinking water to 1200 people.
Make your finances open to the public.
Imagine a company where everyone knows exactly how much each executve spent on lunches, rental cars and hotel rooms. I think a few individuals would learn to be a little "leaner" in their spending habits if there was a glass-door policy on expense accounts.
I realized that most of the companies I've worked for are "nonprofits".
Favorite Quote from Zilch-
"Not-for-profit isn't the same as nonprofit. I've never run a company that was in the red. Nonprofits are places like General Motors, most airlines and a handful of dot-coms" - ---Nancy Lubin
Just last week I used this book to help out the Michigan Lean Consortium (MLC)
The MLC is a not-for-profit trying to help businesses in Michigan become more profitable and we were brainstorming on "Fundraising". I felt like I was quoting Nancy Lublin as the ideas flew from my mouth. We even put "Zilch" up on the wall as a must read.
I've only covered a fraction of what was contained in this book.
It's changed how I percieve not-for-profits and given me a much greater respect for their operations.
I think this is a must read for every start-up company.
Not-for-profits and Lean companies are very similar in how they treat and motivate people. I think we can all lean a lot from "Zilch" and am putting it on my recommended reading list.