You use a quarter to get a shopping cart but you get your quarter back when you return it. The innovative part is how they do it.
I went to a supermarket called ALDI's and was impressed by this small but important innovation.
ALDI's uses a small system created by Systec called a duraloc.
The mechanism is simple. All shopping carts are daisy chained together using these small duraloc devices. (see image below)
To release a shopping cart for usage you need only put a quarter in the device and it releases the cart via a simple latch system like a seatbelt.
When you return the cart you clip it back onto the chain of carts and it releases your quarter.
The entire system:
- Puts the carts back into circulation immediately when they are done being used.
- Reduces the inventory of carts needed by the market
- Engages the consumer in keeping costs low
- Keeps the parking lot free of carts thereby increasing available parking spots
- Removes the need for a "cart corral" in the parking lot
- Removes the need for employees to collect carts
I felt that I was doing my part to help keep the lot clutter free while keeping costs low for myself. It was engaged on an emotional level and satisfied on a WIIFM level as well. Good job ALDI!
(Image of daisy chained carts)