The path of least resistance is paved with customers
When I opened my new color ink cartridge I was pleasantly surprised.
Inside the box was a self sealing, prepaid envelope for me to send my old cartridge in for recycling.
Within 3 minutes of installing my new cartridge the old one was in the mailbox to be picked up.
A prepaid pre-addressed envelope will:
- Eliminate mistakes in shipping addresses
- Eliminate the knowledge needed as to "How to package for return?"
- Eliminate my need for having to store supplies needed to return the cartridge
- Eliminate me having to guess or calculate exact postage
- Make me recycle something I would normally toss in the trash
How do I know all this.
When I replaced the other ink cartridge (black) , the only thing in the box was a small card saying if I wanted to recycle at my expense to send it to the address on the card.
I threw the old cartridge in the trash because I didn't want to expend the effort involved in sending it back.
NOTE: I do recycle on a weekly basis...but not this time. The cost didn't seem to warrant it.
Hassle free is what customers want.
- Map your process and minimize the workload you ask your customers to do
- Use KISS principles (keep it short and simple) to streamline the flow
- Watch your customer base grow
On a final note - I did recycle the box and the little instruction card for both cartridges. I'm not a complete ogre.