Remember to keep your focus on your customer
I’m not a big fan of politics in my blog but I do want to put my 2 cents in about the government budget.
Whose at fault?
It’s not the Democrats fault or the Republicans fault…it’s Congress’s fault.
My Reasoning-
I went to Chase bank the other day with an issue and the person helping me was very polite however she also made sure to let me know that her branch didn’t make a mistake…it was corporate that made the error.
What she failed to realize is that from a customer perspective (mine) they are both part of the same company. So what I heard her say was…."It’s not Chase’s fault…it’s Chase’s fault."
When the political parties argue about who’s to blame for the budget…all I hear is “It’s not Congress’s fault…it’s Congress’s fault.”
For me…I just want them to do their job…after all…I’m the customer.